Life After Divorce
Never in a million years did you think you would be divorced. I call it the little death. That’s what it feels like to a lot of women. Maybe it feels like that to you as well.
But it isn’t.
Never in a million years did you think you would be divorced. I call it the little death. That’s what it feels like to a lot of women. Maybe it feels like that to you as well.
But it isn’t.
Intimidation is another word for bullying. Just as you cannot allow yourself or anyone in your presence to be bullied, it is equally important to never allow yourself to feel intimidated. By anyone. Ever.
First, let me start by saying that there is a time and a place to feel badly for ourselves and lick our wounds. It is part of the healing process. Like a bruise or any other physical injury, denying that we have pain is lying to ourselves.
Have you ever made the decision to enter into individual counseling or perhaps couples therapy and google professionals in your area? It is such an overwhelming task for many that they oftentimes give up because of fear of making a mistake in choosing the wrong person. I am frequently asked for referrals by other people. That is a huge responsibility for me because I always want to make sure I do the best job I can to find a counselor who’s going to be a perfect fit.
In middle school, the great paradox we all stumbled on daily was how to be an individual while simultaneously fitting in. How could I be unique and at the same time be in uniform with my classmates? Where and how can I fit? I’m pretty sure all of us are still struggling with that one. It is ageless, as I’ve known exceptional women trying to fit in with others while in their 70s.
There are lots of people out there who hate the word endure. They hear struggle; they hear indefinite pain. I don’t happen to hear it like that. I have been lucky enough to see the amazing outcome that people get back in their relationships and personal accomplishments when they hang in there and work through tough stuff. I’ve endured my way through a lot of hard stuff and I am SO grateful I did.
There’s only one person in this world that you have total control over. Others may disappoint you, and not be there for you when things get really hard, but there’s always that one person who has the capacity to never let you down. And that person, of course, is you.
I’d like to tackle the subject of being a mentally tough-minded woman. Which I think is a GOOD thing!
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