Life After Divorce
Never in a million years did you think you would be divorced. I call it the little death. That’s what it feels like to a lot of women. Maybe it feels like that to you as well.
But it isn’t.
It doesn’t have to be, anyway. It can be a rebirth if you decide to see it that way. I hope you can move yourself forward with positive expectations of your bright new future.
I put together three challenges that you might be worried about or experiencing. I’ve also put together a collection of suggestions that might lift you up and help you overcome your life after-divorce challenges.

You’re Afraid of Being Broke
You might’ve already been tight on money when you were married. Now you’re really broke because you’re exclusively responsible for your overhead. You are head of household now girl! Here are some ideas that might help you.
- You don’t have to fix anyone else’s money mistakes any longer.
- You can create your own budget and be more financially selective.
- You can freelance your skills to earn more.
- You’ll get great at learning how to feel joy on a shoestring.
You Worry You’ll Be Alone
My observation of life is that people usually get what they want. You may know someone who’s been stuck in a loveless marriage for years, but I will show you someone who likely chooses to stay married to avoid something more painful than marital misery.
If you want to find a great person to share your life with, chances are that you will put a lot of energy towards that goal, and you will succeed. There are a lot of great guys out there. But learning how to enjoy your own company is a precious gift that you can give yourself right now.
- Say yes to every invitation from all of your friends.
- Try not to get serious about anyone for a full year.
- Empower yourself with achievement and self-respect.
- Don’t assume all men have the same negative traits of your ex.
You Fear Your Kids Will Suffer
Divorce is a drag on kids. I get it. But at least you won’t be showing them that marriage means pain, arguments or silence. And both of you will likely be in a more giving and loving mood for them now.
Divorce is between two people. There is no such thing, as you well know, as divorcing children. Though you will miss your kids when they are with their father, do your best to enjoy and maximize the free time.
- Talk and listen to the thoughts and feelings of your kids.
- Try never to speak unkindly to your kids about their father.
- Make dual-household-living as easy as you can for them.
- Maintain a respectful relationship with their dad.
Divorce is a huge subject. It is likely as large a subject as marriage. I’m sure I will be doing lots of different MasterClasses on specific things about divorce that will really help you: what you need to know about mediation; how to manage your feelings when your ex-husband remarries; what to do when you don’t like one or all of your boyfriend’s kids; and what to do when your boyfriend’s kids don’t like you.
And so much more.
Just know that there actually IS life after divorce. There is actually abundance after divorce. You are living a life well lived, with all its ups and downs. And you have a lot of company and support from people you haven’t even met yet.
Get on our membership waiting list so you can gain access to the members only Facebook group. Over time you will discover so many like-minded women who are on your same journey, or who will be one day be facing your same challenges, or who have already divorced and will offer you ideas and inspiration.
Lisa Ryan
Relationship Expert – Infidelity Specialist – Personal Development Coach
Loves the big blue sea, homely dogs, the unvarnished truth, and making people feel better.