How To Endure When Others Give Up
There are lots of people out there who hate the word endure. They hear struggle; they hear indefinite pain. I don’t happen to hear it like that. I have been lucky enough to see the amazing outcome that people get back in their relationships and personal accomplishments when they hang in there and work through tough stuff. I’ve endured my way through a lot of hard stuff and I am SO grateful I did.
I’ve noticed specific characteristics and qualities are always present and I wanted to share them here with you. Perhaps you might recognize yourself. Or maybe you could get a shot of inspiration to help you keep working at the hardships in your life, and to never give up. These are the hallmark traits of the amazing marathoners I’ve met!

Endless Patience
People who continue to show up when things get really rough know that immediate gratification is for other people; it’s not for them. They intuitively know that satisfaction or success is all about the long game.
When times get harder, they get more resolute. When they or others make mistakes, they sort it out rather than shame and blame themselves, or others. Endurers (I just made up that word) are endlessly tolerant because they know life gets hard for everyone. It’s those of you who patiently work through difficulties, sometimes for years, who are the ones who end up on top.
Lack Of Judgment
People with grit don’t have time to judge others. It takes too much time and they know it’s none of their business. They focus on what they can control and respect that others have a right to view the world differently than they do. Further, no one fully knows another person’s story. Those of you who stay in the game of hard knocks are aware of what they don’t know. They never throw stones. Their feet are planted firmly on the ground.
Managing Unmet Expectations
This is huge! We all thought, at least at one time in our lives, that we would find the perfect partner, have 2.5 adorable children, and crush it professionally. Then life broadsides us. Endurers have the capacity to get comfortable in the trenches. They learn early that life is real as hell, and not some romantic fantasy. Those who know how to endure are realists. When life doesn’t deliver what they expect, they reboot. And they persevere.
Never the Victim
I know a whole lot of people and there are WAY too many that I’d want in my foxhole. They show up for others. They put others first sometimes. They are slamming it daily, at great cost and sacrifice to themselves, in order to achieve their goals. They don’t feel picked on. No martyr or victim mentality at all. No suffering – that wastes too much precious time! They surface, battered never beaten, without resentment because they know that LIFE HAPPENS.
Pride In Their Style
It’s not about the win. It’s about HOW they win. Style is everything. In truth, they take pride in their achievements and victories proportionate to the struggle. Accomplishing hard stuff makes them feel worthy.
So if you would like to be a person who keeps moving forward when others choose easy, ask yourself if you carry the traits above. Do you? Are you comfortable with where are right now? Have you given up? Blamed others for your bad luck? Or do you persevere?
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Lisa Ryan
Relationship Expert – Infidelity Specialist – Personal Development Coach
Loves the big blue sea, homely dogs, the unvarnished truth, and making people feel better.