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6 Signs You've Grown Apart
Sometimes you develop as an individual in unexpected and random ways. You may develop interests, hobbies and habits that do not always track with those of your partner. You start to notice signs of growing apart.
Over time it can feel that your track is veering off from a place where it once ran parallel to that of your partner’s. For instance, perhaps for the longest time you liked to window shop and guess what each other liked best. Maybe, over time, one of you lost interest in that game or in shopping altogether.
Our paths may diverge but with some effort and luck may find our paths continually grow close again, maybe for a time or maybe for good. It comes down to staying on the track. If you jump the rails you’ll never know.
Here are 6 common signs of growing apart.

1. You go to bed at different times.
2. You watch different shows in different rooms.
3. You listen to each other while using a device.
4. They feign emotional injury.
5. You often eat apart.
6. You don’t feel prioritized.
Though the signs are not hard to spot because you’re living with each other, poor habits often grow over time, unnoticed. Once you do realize what has happened, the physical distance can often give way to an emotional distance that feels palpable.
What do you do to get close again? For a more in depth understanding for how and why people grow apart and what you can do to move closer together join us inside the membership, where we are developing a full course.
Or, for immediate relief, pop in your email address to receive a link to a relationship “growing back together” cheat sheet, part of our relationship hacks series.

Lisa Ryan LPC
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