Strength Through Difficult Times
Just like the weather, life comes in seasons.
Some days are smooth sailing. The sun is shining, your coworkers are in a great mood, and everything goes according to plan.
On other days, it seems like nothing can go right. Unexpected bills jump out of nowhere. Household chores pile up, and work-life balance feels like a thing of the past.
When life gets hard, we all have a choice. We can let ourselves be overwhelmed by negative emotions and give up.
Or we can create and implement effective strategies to face life’s hurdles with strength.
It’s easy to feel like victims of the universe. When we go through difficult seasons, a positive mindset might feel impossible.
But here’s the truth: if you put in the effort, you can weather all of life’s storms.
In this post, I’ll cover eight steps you can take when life gets hard. Keep reading to find out more about how you can take action during a rough patch.

1. Keep Things in Perspective
When we get overwhelmed by negative life events, we forget the greater context of life events. When we focus only on our problems, we lose sight of all the things that make life worth living.
If life has you down, the first thing to do is a perspective check. Ask yourself: how will I feel about these problems in six months? (Chances are you will feel better.)
Remember, everything is temporary. No matter what you’re dealing with right now, it will not last forever. Keeping this in mind can help you maintain perspective and strength during difficult times.
2. Think Before You Act
Have you ever heard the advice not to go grocery shopping on an empty stomach? When we’re hungry at the supermarket, we’re more likely to make impulse purchases.
When you’re under a lot of stress, your decision-making abilities are also compromised. You might not be eating or sleeping well either. All of these factors can have a negative impact on your ability to make smart, healthy decisions.
If you’re going through a crisis, take your time before making any important decisions. It’s always a good idea to come back to a tough choice after a good meal or a solid night’s rest!
3. Ask for Help
Many of us are so used to taking care of other people that we have a hard time asking for help. But asking for help can be a sign of strength.
We might feel ashamed that we need assistance. Maybe we wrongly believe that asking for help means we are weak. Or we might feel worried that we will take up too much of someone else’s time.
If you struggle with asking for help, imagine that a good friend or loved one is going through your present experience. Wouldn’t you want to help and support them?
You deserve help, too.
When you’re having a hard time, reach out to someone. It could be a friend, family member, or even a neighbor. There is no shame in asking for help.
4. Stay Aware of What’s Also Going Well
No matter how many things are going wrong in your life, there is always something going right. Take some time every day to appreciate the good things around you.
You might be grateful for kind friends who listen to your problems and give you thoughtful advice. Or you might reflect on how much you love your home or the natural beauty of the place where you live.
It’s easy to get bogged down by negatives. But if you intentionally focus on the positive parts of your life, you can chart a brighter course through your future. A positive mindset helps you cultivate strength.
5. Accept the Difficulty You’re Facing
Avoiding your problems is a slippery slope. As difficult as your problems are today, they will only get worse the longer you wait to address them.
During turbulent periods, you must face obstacles in your path. Take a moment to accept the good and bad of your situation. Upon reflection, you will probably realize that you are not alone in your present circumstances.
There is almost no problem you can have that is completely unique. Whatever you’re dealing with, someone else has overcome something similar. With clear vision and determination, we all have the strength to face our challenges head-on.
6. Create a Plan to Overcome Your Hardship
Trying to do everything at once will only make you tired and discouraged. Coming up with a plan makes you feel in control of your destiny again.
When you’re developing your plan, focus on small things that you can achieve at the moment. Ask yourself where you want to be a few months from now. What simple action can you take today to turn your goal into reality?
If your company just went through layoffs, your ultimate plan might be to have a new full-time position. Your monthly plan might be to find a part-time job to make ends meet. Your daily plan could include a certain number of job applications.
7. Visualize Your Future Life Having Conquered the Difficulty
Visualization is a great tool for improving your mindset and cultivating positive feelings. Once you have your plan in place, set aside some time to visualize your success. Positive visualization gives you hope and strength, even in times of great stress.
This should be a fun exercise, so get creative! You might visualize a fun family vacation you want to take. Or maybe you imagine yourself out with friends, celebrating the work you did to conquer your difficulties.
When we spend so much time just trying to hold it together, it’s easy to forget our ultimate goal: to thrive. Allowing yourself to envision a brighter future will help you attract and accept positive things in your life.
8. Manage Your Fear With Strength
It’s normal to feel fear and anxiety in dark times. But what is fear, anyway? When you think about it, fear is just an emotional reaction to an imaginary future event.
Fear represents the unknown. It might cause terrifying visions of failure.
In ancient times, fear saved our ancestors by teaching them to avoid scary things like bears or lions. Fear is a helpful emotion when it is protecting us from real harm.
But if the danger only exists in your imagination, fear can do more harm than good. When you feel fear, ask yourself whether that fear is justified. Ask yourself whether it’s helping you.
If the answer is no, it’s time to take charge and manage your fear with strength. You can give your fear a shape in your mind and imagine that shape floating away. Or you could explore your fear in a journal entry.
These eight steps will help you chart a course to smoother waters. No matter your present circumstances, remember that they are only your present circumstances. They are temporary, and things will improve.
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Lisa Ryan
Relationship Expert – Infidelity Specialist – Personal Development Coach
Loves the big blue sea, homely dogs, the unvarnished truth, and making people feel better.