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4 Ways to Turn a Negative into a Positive
Most feelings, apart from your instinctive fight or flight response, are a direct result of questions you ask and answer inside your own head. It’s important to be aware of how much power the tone and content of these questions have in determining your mindset and actions in the face of many of life’s challenges and uncertain moments.

1. Reframe Things.
For instance, if you have a rough day that leaves you feeling low, try to retrace the origin of how that started. Determine how or when it began to unravel and try to reframe it, reshaping your outlook and perspective.
2. Visualize good outcomes.
Once your brain starts forming productive questions with positive outcomes you’ll find your feelings tilt upward, not downward. Let’s say, for example, you’ve lost your job. After you have accepted and processed what’s happened, try to sit down someplace quiet and mindfully visualize all the doors that can now open for you, giving each door a specific name.
3. Embrace and hone these skills.
Rest assured, it’s in your best interest to hone this skill throughout your life. Uncertainty is your only certainty.
Challenges never stop but your response and attitude to these changes and challenges are enormously important. They are at times buffers protecting you and other times they are springboards that catapult you toward better things.
4. Positivity is key.
Remember, staying positive is easier said than done but by training your mind to reconfigure how you perceive challenge and adversity you’ll find it works like muscle memory and will become easier and more natural over time.
Life happens. Pivot with it, not against it.
It’s important to remember that you can absolutely train yourself to better control your emotional state-of-mind when unexpected or unwelcome things come along that shake up your day, your week, your year or your life.

Lisa Ryan LPC
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